design research
With a specialty in research design & operations
User Experience
Research We can perform various qualitative and quantitative research studies for your products, services, or programs. This includes web, software, and hardware products, as well as business and employee processes.
UX Research
Operations We help UX research teams get up and running with research operations, including recruitment processes, data repositories, data analysis structures, and participant programs. We have relationships with multiple UXR service vendors.
UX Planning &
Strategy It's important to learn about and address user needs, yet it's just as important to learn about and address the needs of stakeholders and senior leaders. We can help you implement a UX research practice at your organization.
User Interviews & Workshops
Early discovery research is key to understanding your end users' and stakeholders' workflows, pain points, motivations, and concerns. Remote (online or phone) or in-person interviews and workshops are an important step in ensuring you understand the needs of your customers and stakeholders. |
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